We are on a mission to end needless suffering.
Everyone should have access to quality health information.
Jonathan Otto (we call him “Jonno”) is the man behind it all, from creation, to execution, to working with each and every one of you to spread his mission! He has taken his background in investigative journalism and natural medicine advocacy to a whole new level and produced the Emmy-submitted docu-series Autoimmune Secrets and Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets. His groundbreaking films have been seen by tens of millions of people and have become global “go-to” resources for people seeking natural medicine solutions for the most serious diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, and dementia. Health Secret’s mission to work with internationally renowned doctors and scientists has made it one of the most sought after natural health education resources in the world for preventing and reversing disease.

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- 50-70% plus optin rates
- Average EPL's between $2-$3 each event
- Some see over $8 EPL
- We paid 40 affiliates a total of 1 million dollars in commission in a two-period during our most recent launches
Natural Medicine Secrets
PRELAUNCH/ PROMO WINDOW: November 13th - 26th
LAUNCH EPISODES: November 27th - December 6th
REPLAY WEEKEND: December 9th - 11th
Disease in Reverse
LAUNCH EPISODES: June 20th - 29th
REPLAY WEEKEND: July 1st - 3rd
Absolute Healing Series
PRELAUNCH/ PROMO WINDOW: Jan. 17, 2023 - Jan. 30, 2023
LAUNCH EPISODES: Jan. 30, 2023 - Feb. 10, 2023
REPLAY WEEKEND: Fab. 11-12, 2022
Cash Prizes: $30,000+ 🙂
Join us and our mission to help support the many people that are in dire need of this life-changing information featured in our docu-series. Plus, you get rewarded at the same time and will earn top-notch commissions for your referrals!
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Evergreen Docuseries

In this 12 episode and additional 12 BONUS episode docuseries, you will hear from experts on how to reverse your disease with natural protocols, be it autoimmune disease, cancer, ongoing chronic disease, long-COVID, and even Dementia.
The “plandemic” we suffered wasn’t even necessary; it was carefully planned and executed. There are many protocols and supplements that you can intake to strengthen your immune system to be prepared for any other “plandemic” situation.
“Lots of people have died. Young people have been mercilessly impacted negatively by the introduction of vaccines with spike proteins, then people being shed on with vaccines, people being exposed to venoms which are spike proteins in water, air, and food now. It’s been a massive assault worldwide using these venoms.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis.
“When I see someone with severe vaccine injury, we have to go the root cause; we have to go from the gut to deficiencies to excesses, toxins, and other things. And we really take them through like we’re managing anybody with a chronic condition.” – Dr. Tom Lewis
The number of deaths you see in the media is just 1%; the global government is deliberately hiding the true number of deaths. If you think this is the only fake “vaccine” that causes this, then you are wrong.
Big Pharma has been creating man-made bioweapons for decades and ripping us off from the information about natural healing protocols, such as the manufacture of Lyme disease and how mosquitoes were also weaponized in a lab in Connecticut.
In this docuseries, you will hear from experts about cellular detox and the protocols that help clean and repair mitochondria. To cure yourself from any kind of disease, you use holistic ways instead of allopathic medicines.
“We never took the vaccine. We refused to take it. We rebuke it. Our bodies will protect us. God will protect us. He has all our lives, and he still will. And why not now?” – Diane Dietrich
Also, it is necessary to have a positive and empowered mindset for true healing with a holistic approach. Daniel Chang shares his incredible testimony and discusses the importance of parasite detoxing, how it impacts our health, and what different supplements and protocols he used for parasite cleansing.
“Parasites are very difficult to kill if you have heavy metals because heavy metals actually help create a biofilm around parasites, and they create an environment that helps parasites thrive.” – Daniel Chang.
The 5G technology that we are proud of is actually used to trigger dormant viruses and alter our DNA, permanently weakening the immune system. The mRNA vaccines are promoting spike protein that, unfortunately, qualifies as a toxin.
“People who got the shots are definitively genetically modified, and what’s sad is that so are their microbiome. And so, are there any other infections that they might have already had? It is the perfect bioweapon because it has the ability to genetically infect everything with a genome.” – Dr. Henry Ealy.
“The spike protein, unfortunately, has the qualities of a toxin. And it also has the ability, and in fact, that’s the design of the “vaccine” is to give you spike protein mRNA so that you can make spike protein.” – Dr. Thomas E. Levy.
In this docuseries, you’ll hear from experts about healing your health holistically. And It also unveils the dark secrets of Big Pharma, Big Media, and the government’s dark involvement with COVID, its drug trials, and the toxic “vaccines”.

The series NEW HOPE focuses on taking viewers on a journey toward discovering real-life solutions that can restore health and bring hope to those in need. This 12-episode docuseries will help you take control over your own life and health and discover new hope.
The series delves into cutting-edge disease reversal treatments and protocols, shedding light on innovative approaches to combat COVID, long-COVID, and bioweapon-related illnesses.
Drawing from the latest scientific research and medical literature, viewers will gain insight into the true nature of these ailments. Additionally, you will learn about natural healing protocols for chronic and autoimmune diseases.
Our ancestors have been using natural healing protocols for thousands of years to heal even from the snake’s poisonous bite. Allopathic medicines are synthesized forms that focus on suppressing the root cause of the disease. Yes, it won’t cure it from the root.
In this docuseries, you will also hear testimonials from vaccine-injured people and how they were able to heal completely with natural and holistic methods. There is a testimonial from Gloria Sharlein:
“Within hours of my second Pfizer jab in June 2021, I had an induced menstrual cycle, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure. And none of these things ever happened to me before in my life. So I know that it was directly from receiving that Pfizer jab. And I’m not talking about just a regular menstrual cycle. It was heavy. It lasted 8 days. It was heavy the whole time. It was really painful.”
However, she was able to heal with the help of Urotherapy. Watching this docuseries, you will learn about biotoxins and how it is affecting your overall health. Don’t worry; our experts also talk about the protocols or treatments to protect the body from it.
You need to understand that you are responsible for your own health and not any other doctor. You need to understand the importance of gut health, and it benefits our immune system.
“If your gut isn’t working, you can’t have nutrition. One of the reasons I start with enzymes with people is that it’s the fastest way to restore a semblance of healthy gut function.” – Dr. Daniel Nuzum.
Furthermore, the docuseries offers valuable insight into the health benefits of essential oils. You will learn about specific essential oils tailored to various health conditions, empowering them to make informed choices regarding their well-being.
“Natural inhibitors to snake venom include glutathione. It inhibits and detoxifies venom and reduces its toxic load. So does N-acetyl cysteine, so does Vitamin C, and so does EDTA. EDTA actually completely inhibits or destroys most venoms. It is the most widely published destroyer of venoms alongside hydrogen peroxide and ozone.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis.
This docuseries offers a comprehensive and inspiring exploration of life-saving solutions, urging everyone to take charge of their health, embrace hope, and discover transformative paths to well-being.

It also focuses on cutting-edge reversal treatments and protocols used by top experts. This series consists of 12 episodes and 12 additional bonus episodes.
In this groundbreaking series, we shed light on the intentional release of the virus. Yes, that’s true!
Experts discovered that many ingredients in COVID shots are extremely harmful to our bodies. And it had no benefits for our health. if you think the COVID virus was accidentally “leaked,” you might want to rethink it!
And despite reports of millions of deaths from sudden heart disease, the government and media worldwide still hide the truth about COVID.
“You have to forgive yourself for taking the vaccine. You trust people, they believe that they’re doing the right thing. Knowing that there is a God in the universe that loves you, that cares about you. But if you don’t believe it, then your body won’t believe it either. You really have to know that there is healing. You can heal.” – Liana Rivers.
Have you heard about the phenomenon of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? The one where healthy and young athletes unexpectedly die. Yes, it is due to COVID shots.
This docuseries also looks at spike glycoprotein as one of the main causes of the various diseases and syndromes associated with COVID.
You will also learn about the trio of COVID bioweapons: the so-called “natural infection,” the gene-altering clot shots, and exposure to vaccine shedding. Further ahead, experts also describe the difference between spike protein and spike glycoprotein.
“Your COVID symptoms are 100% caused by venom peptides or glycoprotein spike proteins bound to nicotine receptors. When you take nicotine, God designed the body at these nicotine receptors to have the highest affinity to grab nicotine and let go of anything else.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Do you know around 18 million people have already been severely injured or have lost their lives from post-vaccine injuries? Yes, that’s true; still, the government isn’t taking any action just to earn some profits and reduce the population.
In this docuseries, you understand how to recover from spike glycoprotein. Experts recommend taking responsibility for your own health by learning about healing mechanisms. You can also maintain a healthy lifestyle to support mitochondrial health and become your own doctor.
You will hear from Dr. Henry Ealy, a naturopath discussing the key stages of cellular detoxification – a protocol that works exceptionally well with vaccine-injured patients.
“There’s no situation where you don’t want to be taking mitochondrial nutrients. It is the secret to my success in everything I do. Every person I work with goes on mitochondrial nutrients. Plain and simple. Mitochondrial nutrients, in the right form, in therapeutic amounts.” – Dr. Henry Ealy
“When you look at the idea of bringing in food to reflect good mitochondrial function, we’ve got to think about food that was created in God’s form.” – Dr. Mark Sherwood.
“It’s the first time we’ve ever given a vaccine or any product where there’s no control, there’s no safety control on how much could be produced.” – Dr. Peter McCullough. The docuseries dives deep into the truths of the COVID bioweapons, their effects on the body, and the most effective reversal treatments from some of the world´s top medical experts.

It also provides a true narrative behind how the COVID “vaccine” is altering our DNA. Knowing this will give you a better understanding of media and global government conspiracies.
Also, there is a treatment to deactivate the deadly bioweapon and reverse the COVID damage, regardless of what you have been told.
“We know absolutely, categorically, and definitively that remdesivir increases your risk of renal failure like 20-fold. That’s kidney failure. Increases the risk of death. But the hospital gets a 20% bonus on the whole hospital bill if they used remdesivir. And that is obscene, that is fraudulent, that is unacceptable.” – Dr. Paul Marik.
The so-called “vaccines” have mRNA whose ingredients are designed to alter our God-given genetics. And who says you can’t restore your health and HEAL fully?
“Natural immunity has been shown in multiple studies to have 2,700% higher protection than anything that’s vaccine-induced.” – Dr. Rashid Buttar.
This docuseries focuses on expert-recommended protocols to treat the deadly symptoms of envenomation. Apart from that, we will also be discussing the phenomenon known as shedding. You will understand what it is, how you can protect yourself, and why you shouldn’t fear it.
Shedding is a part of vaccines and not the COVID “vaccine”, but all types of vaccines. You will hear experts talking about the side effects of shots, common being myocarditis and blood clotting.
You will hear from Dr. Paul Marik on the mechanism of how at a cellular level, shots are causing blood clotting. Dr. Bryan Ardis joins us to share protocols to denature the venoms and protect our neurological health from the bioweapon.
“What are the spike proteins? The spike proteins were actually termed to be and found to be venomous peptides or rabies virus sequences. And that these crossed the blood-brain barrier to specifically attack nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
If you do not address the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, you’ve missed the entire potential to save lives in relation to COVID-19.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis.
You’ll also hear from Dr. Henry Ealy, who talks about the importance of space between red blood cells,
“Where there’s space, there’s movement. Where there’s movement, there’s energy. And where there’s energy, the disease cannot exist.”
All-in-all, this sequel docuseries focuses on revealing the adverse effects of COVID and its “vaccine”. Along with that, it also helps you with supplements and protocols to overcome the damage of COVID injuries.

Would you believe it? Maybe not! But after watching the docuseries Brave, you will say otherwise. This docuseries has 12 episodes and 12 additional bonus episodes. With this docuseries, we are focusing on bringing the truth about the COVID shot (it wasn’t a vaccine!).
Understand how to prevent and reverse COVID injuries and other chronic diseases. All the treatments/protocols are holistic and will protect you from life-threatening diseases.
Learn about vitamins and nutrients that you can use to heal from COVID and vaxx injuries. We are being used as guinea pigs for the experiments that even Big Pharma knew would fail.
“A lot of people are forced to take these shots, and I think I’ve become more comfortable using the word shot. The vaccine is obviously not the appropriate term. CDC literally had to change the definition of a word.” – Dr. Tau Braun
Shocking, right? This is one of many revelations of COVID and its shots. In this docuseries, you’ll also learn why we refer to it as a shot and not the “vaccine”. To be honest, COVID shots and the COVID virus are the biggest crimes against humanity to date.
Moreover, elites censored and denied natural immunity and effective treatments. In fact, Fauci’s drug – REMEDSIVIR – has a fatality rate of over 50%, according to the Ebola study.
“The Independent Safety Board of the study, looking at the data, found that Remdesivir was the only drug that had a fatality rate over 50%.
The duty of a true health professional of any kind is to protect its patients from its government, from its medical boards, and anyone who restricts their ability to practice medicine and provide true informed consent” – Dr. Bryan Ardis
No matter what, we won’t let anyone control and censor (even the global government) the sharing of true and life-saving information.
“They’re trying to change your DNA, they’re trying to be able to put things in your system that can be activated or turned on or enhanced by different types of electromagnetic frequencies that can reduce your oxygen carrying capacity in your blood, that can increase the reproduction rate of molds by up to 400,000% and different types of harmful organisms” – Dr. Ed Group
In this docuseries, you’ll understand the effectiveness of ivermectin, zinc, quercetin, probiotics, and urotherapy to heal from COVID. And how nicotine can cure tinnitus too!

This 12-episode docuseries unveils how the COVID virus is not a virus but a tool for mass envenomation. There’s plenty of evidence that confirms COVID as a weaponized venom.
And its “vaccine” actually increases the risk of being ill with COVID or even dying from it! In this docuseries, you’ll hear from experts on how COVID and vaxx-related injuries can be treated. From nicotine to Vitamin D, Zinc and Ivermectin are all the simplest forms of treatment. “There are reports coming in from around the world that Ivermectin is stopping the replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus, and stopping the disease process of COVID-19” – Dr. Bryan Ardis
You will also learn about all the possible side effects of the COVID “vaccine”. Like, from harmful spikes putting the body in a hyperinflammatory state to completely draining the human body.
These 12-episode docuseries feature experts who will tell you everything about vaccination.
“The theory of vaccination is that when they inject you with a little bit of the disease, your body has a big response, and you become immune to that disease. On one hand, it’d be nice if it actually worked that way. But I don’t believe that it does. Just because you raised antibody levels doesn’t mean you raised immunity.
An inflammatory response is extremely energy expensive in our body. It costs our body a ton of energy to have an inflammatory response.” – Dr. Daniel Nuzum “Now, these jabs are very, very dangerous. I said it before. I’ll say it again. They’re the most dangerous product on the market that a consumer can buy. There’s no question about that.” – Atty. Thomas Renz

The Unbreakable docuseries focuses on helping you heal disease and vaxx injuries at the cellular level. Also, this docuseries will help you understand the importance of self-love and forgiveness in the healing process.
This 12-episode and 12 extra bonus episodes docuseries have the best Nutritional advice from the world’s top naturopaths. According to them, Nutrition is the foundation of all healing.
Despite what the Big Media and Big Pharma claim, medications have existed for thousands of years. The COVID “vaccine” is nothing but intentional bioweapons, and there is much evidence verifying it. These shots are gene-edited poisons designed to turn the body into a spike protein factory.
It will also teach you how to overcome the “plandemic” challenges through love, faith, and community. You must believe in yourself and do everything that you can for your health and be UNBREAKABLE!
“There isn’t one situation where high-level nutrition isn’t the foundation of stalemating the decline of whatever’s going on. Because that’s what we’re seeing with these injuries. People are just injured and that’s it.
Nutrition has to be at the forefront of that. Because without nutrition, specifically for the production of energy at the cell level, you really have nothing yet. You have to get to the root of the root, and that’s the cell that has to produce energy. Once that cell is producing energy, now we can start getting a clear picture of what’s going on.” – Dr. Henry Ealy
“What we do know is that what God designed is always superior to what man designs. And so we need to bolster the body, build it up.
God has designed us to be able to heal, always to be able to heal. And it’s the lie that we are dependent on something that a man has created to heal and move forward or protect ourselves” – Dr. Christina Parks “Early treatment is the cornerstone of good medicine for all health problems” – Dr. Ben Marble

But was the pandemic necessary? Is the number shown by Big Media and the government about the deaths and injuries real? Was the so-called COVID “vaccine” the cure or a bioweapon to reduce a large population at once?
Many people wonder about these questions, especially those who have lost loved ones or have suffered severe Vax injuries. With 12 episodes and 12 bonus episodes, COVID Secrets reveals the truth about the pandemic.
This docuseries also focuses on all the wrongdoings of Big Media, the government, and Big Pharma. You will get to know how they used media to drive unnecessary fear around COVID. In the same docuseries, you will hear some life-saving protocols from medical experts proven to heal from COVID and vaccine injury.
Using early treatment protocols globally can save millions of lives, according to Dr. Jane Ruby. The docuseries describes the dangerous side effects of COVID vaccines and how it has been used as a bioweapon.
“The masks don’t make sense. Even physically, they don’t make sense. They don’t trap SARS-CoV-2 virus particles. They’re too little. So from a scientific standpoint, they can’t work. From a physical harm aspect, deprivation of oxygen.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis
“We learned early on that the virus is not spread from an asymptomatic person to another asymptomatic person. It was always symptomatic to a susceptible person.” – Dr. Peter McCullough
“Gosh, we’re seeing weird cancers after the shots. We’re seeing an uptick of this kind of cancer and that kind of cancer.” – Dr. Ryan Cole
We cannot deny the number of deaths we are seeing after the vaccinations and its horrible side effects. Stephanie de Garay also talks about the condition of the Pfizer Clinical Trial participant she lost her daughter, Maddie.
Today even teenagers are suffering from heart attacks, and cases of cancers are rising. In this docuseries, you will hear the DARK TRUTH about COVID and protocols on how to holistically heal from them.

This 12-part docuseries is filled with information about the TRUTH behind the global government’s population control agenda, the misinformation spread by the media to promote the shot, and Big Pharma’s money-driven greed in pushing the vaxx agenda.
It also features experts like Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Jane Orient, Dr. Peter McCullough, and others who reveal highly effective vaxx-injury reversal solutions.
We now know that the entire COVID narrative was based on the agenda to push the majority of the world’s adult population into getting jabbed. COVID deaths were exaggerated to propagate fear. And the vaccine is, by definition, not a real vaccine, but rather a bioweapon.
Everything about the hidden agenda around the COVID clot shot is revealed in this rivetting docuseries. It also shares the importance of priming the immune system to overcome the COVID and vaxx agenda. And the key nutrients that people should be supplementing on a daily basis to protect themselves.
This docuseries is about overcoming medical tyranny and how people can fight for their rights to medical freedom.

The results have been devastating, with over 2 MILLION adverse events being reported to Open VAERS to date (This is only 1% of the real injuries and deaths). People need to know the truth about these clot shots because the more who know about the censored dangers, the more lives will be saved.
This powerful docuseries includes 12 episodes and 10 additional bonus episodes featuring some of the world’s top experts – including natural medicine doctors as well as western-trained doctors who have been on the frontline, fighting back against this diabolical agenda.
Throughout this docuseries, they share censored information on highly effective treatments for COVID and vaccine injuries. “The beautiful thing about Ivermectin is that it actually binds or appears to bind the spike protein, which is what appears to be setting up a lot of these immune – these vaccine injuries, you know.” – Dr. James “Neu.”
“And so, for example, Tony Fauci’s agency owns half the patents for the Moderna vaccine, and really all the mRNA vaccines they own patents on. But they own half the patents on the Moderna vaccine. And they’ve aggressively promoted that vaccine. They allowed it to take shortcuts to make sure that it was the first one in line.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
There’s no denying that the so-called “vaccine” has cost more lives than COVID itself. During this groundbreaking docuseries, top experts reveal the power of early treatments for COVID and how to detox from the deadly clot shot.

According to the world’s top natural medicine practitioners, the Western medicine system fails to focus on wellness and recovery; instead, it simply masks symptoms and often causes more damage.
Western medical doctors are not trained to understand nutrition, so they are not in the place to treat or prevent diseases. The Western medical system has its place in emergency medicine, but when it comes to addressing diseases, it is a natural medicine that works to truly address the root causes.
The reason natural medicine is so powerful is that it takes the whole person into consideration. This means it uses a holistic approach to find healing. From detoxification to immune priming, natural medicine practitioners help people to find healing that is unique to them.
They tap into some of the most powerful natural medicines and healing modalities that are working to address all the root causes of modern diseases.

The allopathic medical system claims to “treat” these symptoms with pharmaceuticals like Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). But all these medications do is mask the symptoms rather than treat them.
Most people don’t know that their mental health challenges and neurodegenerative diseases can be totally reversed naturally.
This vital information is covered during this life-changing docuseries. It features some of the world’s top experts in brain health. They share the secrets to successfully restoring brain function and reversing brain diseases permanently.

And in Bible Health Secrets, viewers discover Biblical Health Principles that God Himself recommended to the Patriarchs of old and, consequently, to us as well. Doctors and experts are convinced that these health principles are responsible for the longevity and vitality the men of old are known for and which enable them to live long activity-filled lives.
So it’s not surprising when these doctors switch their patients to the Biblical diet and record incredible recoveries from life-sapping autoimmune diseases like cancer, leukemia, Alzheimer, etc.
Experts also exposed the subtle introductions of vitality-killing and disease-causing foods that are not in harmony with God’s divine plan. They call out the contaminated food sources that are known to cause autoimmune diseases over time. They also explain the special diet consumed by the great prophet Daniel and his friends that made them look plummier, healthier, and more radiant than the young men that ate from the King’s table. [See Dan 1:15 for more info]
And more importantly, viewers discover how these Biblical principles are being used by thousands of believers all over the world to enjoy a healthy, fun, and fulfilling life free of the worries of old age. There are enough life-changing testimonies from people that completely changed their stories once they started using Biblical Principles.
But more importantly, viewers are encouraged to choose to live according to God’s Will for us (which is to have life more abundantly) by following Biblical Health Principles.

These simple but buried methods have been censored for the longest time. Ancient medicine successfully kept people healthy and thriving using just natural medicines and healing modalities like meditation.
When medicine was monetized, true healing became a distant goal, and profits became the main focus. And many people lost sight of the real protocols for true healing. The good news is that there are experts in the world who still practice these incredible methods.
They are incredibly knowledgeable in nutrition, natural medicines like herbs and spices, therapies like acupuncture, and other ancient healing methods. Our Founder and CEO, Jonathan Otto, has interviewed some of the top experts in natural medicine and healing.
We’ve seen it happen, and our experts have years of experience in helping people to regain their health and their lives. This is the kind of insight you won’t find on the internet. We rely on our affiliates to help us get the word out. And while doing so, you are helping us to literally change lives through disease reversal.
Everyone deserves to live a healthy, happy life. And it’s 100% achievable with the expert insights shared during this docuseries.

There are currently 80+ recognized autoimmune diseases, with some of the most prevalent being diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. The conventional Western medical system always responds with harsh and invasive treatments.
This may include long-term steroid therapy, chemotherapy, and other toxin-laden drugs that cause serious side effects without ever truly addressing the cause of the disease. And ultimately, being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease feels like a death sentence to many.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Jonathan Otto interviews top experts who are actively reversing all types of autoimmune diseases and are helping people to live healthily.
There is one obstacle to getting the truth out… Big Pharma and the corporate media are influenced by the conventional medical system, which promotes illness for profit. And that means there are very few channels where people can get access to this truly life-changing information.
This is why we have launched our affiliate program, to help get the word out to as many people as possible, ultimately saving and enhancing their lives.

We are one of the most sought out affiliate programs to work with! We run a private affiliate program where you can not only earn some of the highest EPL’s, commissions, and bonus money but also you become part of this tribe that helps share content & change lives for the better. We just paid out 1 million dollars in affiliate commission between only about 40 affiliates, in a two-period, and are about to do it again. Plus, did we mention we have fun doing it?

Natural Medicine Secrets
PRELAUNCH/ PROMO WINDOW: November 13th - 26th
LAUNCH EPISODES: November 27th - December 6th
REPLAY WEEKEND: December 9th - 11th
Cash Prizes: $30,000+ 🙂
Disease in Reverse
PRELAUNCH/ PROMO WINDOW: June 6th - 21st, 2023
LAUNCH EPISODES: June 20th - 29th, 2023
REPLAY WEEKEND: July 1st - 3rd, 2023
Cash Prizes: $40,000+ 🙂
Absolute Healing
PRELAUNCH/ PROMO WINDOW: Jan. 17, 2023 - Jan. 30, 2023
LAUNCH EPISODES: Jan. 30, 2023 - Feb. 10, 2023
REPLAY WEEKEND: Feb. 11-12, 2023
Cash Prizes: $40,000+ 🙂


For best conversions, promote a few of our pre-written emails to your list (in addition to posts on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube) during our pre-launch period where your opt-ins can earn you several free gifts and a sneak peek of the docu-series on our trailer.
Email Strategy:
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Participants can watch 10 episodes for FREE (one episode released each day, available for 24 hours) with no strings attached with the option to…

Registrants will be given multiple opportunities to purchase recordings of the entire docu-series, and bonus materials, in their choice of digital format or physical DVD format (or both). You never have to send to a sales page! We will email your opt-in’s to see if they want to support the mission and own the series.

If those who opt-in from your unique link go on to purchase digital packages, you earn 50% commissions. For those who purchase physical packages, you earn 40% commissions. For those who purchase our upsell packages, you earn 10% commissions.
You get paid 100% of your commissions 3 weeks after cart close (sometimes even sooner)!

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Price Point $97
Your Commission 50%

Printed Only
Price Point $197
Your Commission 40%

Digital & Printed
Price Point $197
Your Commission 40%

We are always doing BIG launches for our new docu-series and continuous relaunches of our existing high converting series.
Future launch dates coming soon….
We stand out from other affiliate programs because…
- We give away a minimum of $25,000+ in contests each launch,
- We have generous commission payouts,
- We payout 100% of commissions within three weeks of cart close (sometimes even sooner!),
- We make it super easy to promote with proven pre-written email swipes and beautifully designed graphics, and most importantly
- We have fun!
Each one of our launches follows the same high converting and proven funnels… Check out some of these exciting stats:

- Jeff Hays (an excellent fellow filmmaker) has earned over $80K in commissions from promoting Autoimmune Secrets… and when he promoted a second time to his list, while “only” getting 1,135 leads, he still made $9,426 which was a whopping $8.31 earned per lead!

- iThrive sent us 10,399 leads and made $52,998.30 in commissions!

- Manny Goldman with The Sacred Plant has promoted us on two different occasions and made over $104,000.00 in commissions!
Jonno has hand picked each and every one of the doctors and experts featured in our docu-series. They are always top notch in their industry and share critical advice that has changed and saved many lives.
This is what some of our viewers had to say…
I want to THANK YOU for doing this series. My lifetime (I am 59) has been completely filled with the battle to win over depression and anxiety. In fact, I am in an episode now, and your video could not be more timely. Like your wife, I too have suffered at the hands of “modern psychopharmaceuticals.” I am eager to learn more from the series you have created! Again, thank you. -Judy D.
Jonathan, you are the best !! I am passing the information about your teachings among my friends, some of them medical doctors, here in Croatia, as fast as I can. – Nina B
I have been using some of the concepts and ideas presented in Autoimmune Secrets this week and last week and my symptoms have reduced already by about 85%!!! The struggle has been long and there have been many times harder than now. It is so so so hopeful and bright to have people willing to be brave and help others this way by sharing knowledge. I just love everything you are doing and your reasons too!! -Sarah Kim
You are sharing a series your audience can tune in to watch for FREE. It’s excellent content and advice you are giving them with a high quality production and you never once have to send to a sales page to purchase.


Jonathan Otto, we call him “Jonno” and he is the man behind it all! He has taken his investigative journalist background and natural medicine advocate practices to a whole new level and produced Emmy- submitted docu-series. His films have been seen by tens of millions of people and have become world-leading resources in major fields, including cancer, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, and dementia. He loves working with our affiliates as well, so don’t hesitate to reach out to him if you need anything at all.

We use Post Affiliate Pro. We are first lead in and a 60 day cookie
We payout 50% commissions on digital sales, 40% on physical sales and 10% on upsells.
- Review our partner site and learn more about our story and how you can help . If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to Jonathan at [email protected]
- We will reach out to you to provide the links and creatives you need to successfully promote to your audience via email and/or social media.
- Everyone that signs up using your unique tracking link is tagged to your account.
- When your opt-ins go on to purchase, you start earning commissions. 🙂
100% of commissions owed will be paid after each launch, within 3 weeks of cart close (sometimes even sooner). All payments will be made via PayPal. Please make sure we have a valid W9 or W8BEN on file or payments will not be made.
You can reach our customer service directors at: [email protected]